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Maison de Résistance in Bure, House of resistance 🇬🇧

Many people recommended me this place. The people here are very lovely, but the reason why they are here is really unpleasant.

Wed, 16. September - Fri, 18. September, Bure, France

Maison de résistance, Bure

In Bure they are building a facility for radioactive waste. When I came here I thought that the shit has to be placed somewhere. But it's implemented very cheap, ignoring the science. Maybe the waste is protected for 100 years, after that it's impossible to replace the stuff. That means the land and the water is full of radioactive waste for the next million(!) years.

Another problem is that the government supports this project with military police and don't talk about it. When I came to this place I was stopped by them.

Military police, Bure

I think my English isn't good enough to explain everything in details. There is a homepage where you can get all information:

Maison de résistance, Bure Maison de résistance, Bure

The people here are from different countries, most of them speak English. Every day there are other people. Nobody stays here forever. The kitchen us 100% vegan, the meals are made with love. I really liked it.
I stayed only three days because it was getting cold in France.


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