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Terasof Ranch Coswig Project, Organisation 🇬🇧

Terasof is a project which has very strong goals, reacting to the global warming. "Deep Adaptation" is here much more than a paper or a talk, it is radical and it has to be radical.

Thu, 28. May - Sun, 31. May, Coswig (Anhalt), Germany

Terasof Ranch Coswig Project

I found this project more or less by accident. It is about climate crisis, software development and spirituality - all my topics. What I saw here was really shocking and amazing at once.

They bought lots of houses, a yard, an old hotel including a parking place, a farmland, other small houses, ... everything which is needed to build a place to survive.
This is no joke, they keep it real. It was the first thing which I've seen as a response the the worlds situation.

Terasof Ranch Coswig Project Terasof Ranch Coswig Project Terasof Ranch Coswig Project Terasof Ranch Coswig Project Terasof Ranch Coswig Project

When I was here, there was only one other person. All the others were looking in Austria and Italy for more or even better places, radical!
They did all this in the name of Sof. It is the name of God, who decided what to do. Something like my strong feeling to leave Bochum before April, but with a bit higher impact.

It's hard to imagine for me that everything happened like this. But the project and everything is there, documentated from the beginning. Another thing is that they split people in good and evil. I understand this in terms of Deep Adaptation while it has a very dangerous site.

Terasof Ranch Coswig Project


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