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Douceur et Harmonie, Ecovillage 🇬🇧

This was a very special place for me. Much healing energy, high vibes and more.

Fri, 16. October - Thu, 22. October, Serralongue, France

Douceur et Harmonie

When I was at this ecovillage my body was completely regenerated after three days of healthy food, the good air in the mountains, and the good spirit here. We ate fresh chestnuts, selfmade bread, nettle soup. Every day there was something to do.

Douceur et Harmonie

Here I also got visions about what to do when I'm back - a great vision. It's like a puzzle: When I see new things, experience my limits, do things I never did before I have a new part of the puzzle.
Two days ago I met Carmen, a very inspiring person for me. We talked 7 hours(!). She is a vegan cyclist from Hamburg, giving talks about human rights, veganism, and other things everywhere in the world. Her last trip was three years long, now she continues her trip and the projects. Now I have many connected pieces more for my big puzzle. I don't know how to thank her for this. It's like Christmas for me ❤️

The ecovillage is worthy, all the best values combined, working for many many years now. Maybe it's the oldest ecovillage in France. The founder got 100 years old without going to any hospital or talking any medicine from the pharmacy.
Here is also nudism common, at least in the summer. It's a very big place in 800m somewhere in the Pyrenees. There are many houses, a swimming pool, big gardens for growing food,... it is amazing! Thanks for the good time here, for all the healthy meals, for welcoming me after cycling till night.

Douceur et Harmonie Douceur et Harmonie |


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