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Stickerupdate 🇬🇧

Yesterday it was finally time to exchange my old beam holder. It was made of hard paper, duct tape and some stickers on top.

The color of the stickers changed because of the sun. It also went demolished - I fixed it with transparent duct tape. Now even this got broken. Also the underlying duct tape was cracked. The hard paper was separated by the rain into two parts. The inner part was still fixed on the duct tape, the rest was sliding outside. It was still usable... but yesterday was the day for updates.

My beam holder 2.0 is now made from two equal cut parts of a found air pump, two corks, the drinking straw from my flag holder on the basket, duct tape and new stickers. Hard plastic rolls should be more reliable. The left roll is used for the smaller beams. The middle drinking straw is for my 130cm banner beam. Now I can access it anytime, important when it starts to rain. the right roll is closeable with a cork - a new place to store small things, maybe for my pencil. Currently it's empty.

I also removed my old flag holder on the basket. It went more and more broken. I will also find a better solution for that.

Enough said, pictures say more than 1000 words.
Thanks a lot to all sticker dealers (Flying Spaghetti Monster Germany, Dona, Anna, Chez Josette in Charleville-Mézières, Kong Island Bochum, Extinction Rebellion Germany and Netherlands, and everybody else, also Durk for cutting, Simon for the corks, Karla*hof for the black duct tape, and the universe for the broken air pump found in Görzhain about five months ago.

XR and FSM "Wake up, Neo..." (The Matrix) before Small German banner replaced From the nicest city in France ;-) Kong Island Bochum is now with me Love is love, also without symbols You can't buy health in a supermarket


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