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Encounter it 🇬🇧

In the mountains where I had to push my bike one thing got clear for me again: It is not my merit and it was never mine.

At 26. June, I was leaving San José from the harbour with a strong feeling - some kind of

The world is for you, I will take care of you(!)

Something that I really can't understand. But in this moment I felt that this is absolutely true. I felt something big will happen this day.

It went darker when I entered the "last corner" of Spains east side, far away from humanity or any suitable place for beings. The sun was disappearing behind the mountains, the sky got different colors with a paralysing effect. I had to continue before I'm lost in the night in the wild boars paradise.

Last beach on the east side of SpainLast carsAfter entering the car inaccessible part, after the first big bend there were no lights from the city anymore, no beaches, nothing, also no silence. Here the wind blew like opening the window on the highway, but comming from many directions, rapidly changing. I had to push and pause many times. I saw very the very huge serpentines, my way to the other side of Spain. Impossible to describe(!) It was like another country without a name. A world between the worlds.

YoIchHere one thing got clear for me again:

It is and was always here, it will be there when everything else is gone.
It splits the continents, and it is even where nobody else can go.

I had to write down these words the next day in Almería.

Sometimes I'm just living like a bird, forgetting the higher values and don't think. Then everything happens just "here and now". And there are other moments, where I have to feel that all of this is not randomness. Humility overwhelms me. "What am I doing here?" I am part of all this world, this amazing big world! How can I forget saying "thank you" for that?! I don't know anything about my role here. I am just interested and excited in things which are comming, everything which is changing.
I am so much, nevertheless I have the feeling that I know nothing about me.

Pushing 4kmSunWay down


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Roberto alhambr am :

Great moments and good views to the sea Nice to meet you I would like a banana? Do you want one?? Danke

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