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Showing Kathi's gratitude 🇬🇧

Hello everybody,
I'm proud to write my first English entry. The reason for that is the current state: I will leave Germany soon!

The date is not clear, maybe I will pass the border to the Netherlands in the first days of July. Something wants me to go there, I really can't explain why - I don't know the reason. I'm feeling like a explorative child.

In the last days I organised some things for leaving, for example I quit my German health insurance, and collected some interesting places to be - special thanks to V. from Leipzig!
If you have also nice ideas for me, please let me know.

Yesterday I realized that I'm free. I can move everywhere - even today. Letting my fears go away was a strong feeling, I had tears in my eyes, all my luggage in front of me. How will it look like in some months? There is no way back, I'm moving forward.

I touched my body in a soft way to answer the question, how my body has changed the last months. Everything is fine, my body loves such contacts, it was aroused. Good to know that after so long time with only rough settings like rainy days, freezing, cycling half the day.

Today I shaved my body. I feel much better with less hair when it's hot. So now, Kathi is also unchained, ready for crazy things. Some parts of me are celebrating it. Girlishness feels more like my native essence.


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