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Warehouse-Community 🇬🇧

This place was amazing. My plan was to continue, but people told my it will rain a lot. I'm happy that I didn't ignore the warnings.

Thu, 26. November - Sun, 29. November, Valencia, Spain


It was really(!) a lot of rain. It rained all the night, also the next day. I was really happy to be here.

It was not a normal warehouse, it was more like many workshops at one place: a studio for music recordings, many instruments, a part where big cars are converted into food trucks and/or caravans, a small workshop for wooden things, a kitchen and a sitting place on the roof. I'm sorry that I can't exlain everything what was going on here. In summary it was maybe the best place in Valencia (I didn't see the squat).

Warehouse-Community Warehouse-Community

It were days of good food, best vibes, practicing English, playing Need For Speed and finaly build my new mirror. A Renault symbol, a piece of wood, my old bamboo toothbrush, a prepared Edding, a flexible part of a lamp, and a band from Berlin was used to build my high tech mirror. 100% selfmade in Valencia, 100% upcycled material, working really fine.

Warehouse-Community Warehouse-Community

This is the last project of my advent calendar. I skipped a bicycle movement, a suistainable village in Germany, two alternative living projects in France, my DIY retreat place in France, and about 15 best private places because they are too private, secret, or I have not enough experience there to write an article.

Christmas in Murcia

Now I'm sitting in San Pedro del Pinatar, thinking about Christmas and New Years Eve. I have still no idea how and where I celebrate. What do you do these days? Please write me or comment. I'm very happy to read from everybody ❤️


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