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Calafou, Eco-industrial community 🇬🇧

When I came at night to Calafou, I was a bit shocked by the old and very big buildings. It was a bit like a fairy tale.

Fri, 06. November - Mon, 09. November, Vallbona d'Anoia, Spain


In some windows were lights, everything was quiet. Around there was only nature: A small river, mountains, many trees and bushes. Cold and warm at once.

I had time to wash my clothes, regenerate a bit, cook with my stove, dry my tent, warm my heart. I wasn't able to see everything. Because of Corona most areas were more or less private.
I talked to many people. It should be the right place for me. Many people here are developing software, interested in open source and all sustainable things.


Here my big thought was "waiting for the right". I was asked if I want to stay longer to get part if it, like six months. But without knowing how people are living here it was not possible to decide.

Calafou Calafou


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