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Masflow, Argentinian squat 🇬🇧

In this squat was fire - fire of the hearts of the people here. Most are from Argentina and very sporty.

Tue, 03. November - Thu, 05. November, El Masnou, Spain


It was a pleasure to be here, to see what they are doing: Yoga, meditation, acrobatics, playing chess, cooking vegan things. It's not about weed or other creepy stuff.

I'm still overwhelmed by the feeling when I think back. It was like falling in love with everybody here - also when there was no common language. This is the better world, maybe more common in the future, who knows.

Masflow Masflow

Here I had also time to build a new net for my bike and sort my things, also my thoughts.
Be who you are! One thought which accompanies me at this moment. It's Sunday, 16:35. I'm sitting at the market place of Murcia, thinking about what I do on christmas or rather winter solstice. The best idea till now is to trust. Trust the universe that there is a good place for me.



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