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Amat, Ecovillage 🇬🇧

This was my first alternative project in Spain/Catalonia. It's a ecovillage between huge mountains.

Sat, 24. October - Mon, 26. October, Sant Privat d'En Bas

Ecovillage Amat

I arrived at night. Before I had to cross two rivers, climb a bit and leave Olot, one of my favourite places in Spain.

Here are not many people in the winter. I didn't have a good feeling at all. The donkeys kicked my bike, walked over the ropes of my tent and it was cold. So I stayed only two days.

Ecovillage Amat

It's hard to explain my feelings. It is how it is.

On 25. October I explored the nature around. I was climbing 300 meters, because I had enough time. At least I thought this. On this day sunset was one hour earlier because of changing to wintertime.
The mountains and the nature here are amazing. Somehow the ecovillage is not a part of the nature here, not easy to explain. It is more a feeling.

Ecovillage Amat Ecovillage Amat Ecovillage Amat


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