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No more fear of the sunset, food for the soul 🇬🇧

The nights are long, the days are short. But there is no need to worry anymore.

In the summer I was always in a rush before sunset. Cycling without the sun, without my big compass is not so easy. But this is only a part of the truth. Here my compass is the big, very(!) big Mediterranean Sea. There is also a big street called A-340(a) along the coast, a railway, the mountains, my upcycled outdoor watch and at least my smartphone for navigation.

Light is also no real problem. Bigger streets and the cycling lanes have some light. When there is absolute no light, it's the beast place to sleep, watch the stars, and dream.

I'm now sitting somewhere in Vila-real, preparing for the night ride: warmer clothes, head-lamp, torch, reflectors, eating my last meal this day, studying the map a bit. I still don't know where to sleep, but I will find a place - maybe after two hours, maybe after five minutes. What else?

The sun in Orpesa

Something very important, at least for me: Love.
Today I got to know Adoria from Castello / Romania. I was just asking for a bank. We talked nearly till sunset, a very open-minded person. It filled something in me. Important like eating but no topic for most of the people. Moments like that are the biggest motivation for me to cycle. But on the other hand it's also hurting to say "Adiós".
I have seen so many nice people, and there is still no "buisiness as usual". Every conversation, every contact has a different energy, many unique things. I don't compare people or sort them by categories in my brain. I save my feelings, even when I can't describe it later in words.
You are fine as you are! ❤️


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