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Second impressions from Spain 🇬🇧

Hola, soy Martin de Alemania!
Hello heart, I'm listening to you, nearly 100%. What I got back is more than amazing, not easy to describe in words.

I'm falling in love with this country, with the people here. Better don't ask me for marriage, closer contact, comming back - my answer would be "Sí!!!"

Calella Streets of Calella

I have so nice and impressive encounters with the people here. A girl asked me to escort me in the supermarket to find vegan things, even without speaking English! A guy in Olot draw a picture of me and made a cover for my basket. I got food for free from a restaurant, a needle for skewing, soy milk. I got a kitchen ("My kitchen is your kitchen"), a bed where I was sleeping like a baby.

Here the way of living is different, not comparable with any other country where I was before. People have time for doing nothing, they are very interested, they stop me to support me with food, offer me a garden for my tent or something else.
Today I helped some persons at the coast with their new kite, I offered a small crash course and I was using a kite at the beautiful coast of Mataró, next to the endless Mediterranean Ses! I also had a very nice encounter with a girl from the circus, talking about squats, her acrobatic work and her dream to buy a ship for putting a circus tent in any cities at the coast and make people aware of our environment, talking about feelings and also with moments without speaking any word. Just sitting at the coast, feeling, enjoying. Wow ❤️

Coast of Mataró

Yesterday I sewed something for my bike - an upcycled table tennis net. After two hours it was a moveable pocket for small stuff. My Flixbike is also changing, it's "mutating" and very customized. On the border I also found a flyswatter. Now it's used as shim for the cars, to keep distance, shoo away pigeons and flys.

Today I cycled only 6 kilometers. The coast from Mataró was the best place to be. There was no better imaginable place for me. The strong feeling of the right place and the right time. Just here and now, listening to my heart. I had no idea where to sleep and was completely relaxed at the same time.
I continued to cycle at 16:15 - 90 minutes before sunset. When I was asking people for the way they offered me a sleeping place in their garden and picked me up with the car. Now I'm in 130m height, seeing the stars, the Mediterranean Sea and some lights from the coast. I have tears in my eyes. It's so amazing, too strong feelings, indescribable! ?

Writing this text in the night at Premià de Dalt


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