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After some days of wild camping and wild projects 🇬🇧

Hello people ❤️
After many days of sleeping outside and three projects I just want to say "I'm fine" and keep you up to date.

I was regenerating two days in a caste or something like that. The next two days I was in Bure where young and old people protest against the deep geological repository for storing high radioactive stuff. Now I'm in Bure, a place called "Quartier Libre des Lentillères".

Apples, pears, berries, plums are growing everywhere, I don't have to buy fruits at the moment.
In Bure people cut my hair, so it looks nice again. I was also playing chess in Bure, lost both games. Thanks anyway, it was really great :-)
My Flixbike made some strange sounds on the pedals, but yesterday we cleaned it in the garden and fixed it finally at the bike shop. When I asked how much it costs I got it for free and the nice person gave me a vegan chocolate for my way. At the evening I heard the French version of "Bella Ciao“, which reminds me to all the nice Extinction Rebellion actions in the past. Later I was phoning with a friend from.Germany after one year or something. I really love it to talk with deeper connected people. Here most of my words are just Smalltalk.

Shorter hair

Now I'm prepared for the next 200 kilometers. I bought some food, planned my route a bit and noticed that Germany isn't on the east of me anymore. Now there is Swiss and soon Italy on my east side. I strange feeling to continue and finally escape to the south, leaving everything behind. I enjoy it.

I also noticed it's fall. The leafs are falling at the ground, soon it's getting harder to find nice sleeping places.
There are also chestnuts on the ground. If you want to save money you can collect them and make laundry detergent for the next year.

In Dommarien

Feel hugged and free to phone me. Sunset is at 19:30 and the nights are long enough to do some other things. I'm also thinking about writing abou the alternative places where I've been - at least 11 by now.

The "castle“ You are here


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