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Deep Talk in English 🇬🇧

Friday was a day with many different feelings and situations around one place called Charleville-Mézières.

I found there a place to clean all my stuff, wash clothes, refill water, take a warm shower, eat warm tasty things, buy 2.7kg unboxed muesli and other food, learn French from a very friendly German teacher called Nanou, charge my batteries, organize my online stuff and sleep in a warm bed.
The days are really getting cold outside, cold footings, no ticks ("Zecken") anymore. I had a very nice talk with Nanou, she also recommended Chez Josette, a self organized "library" where you can also visit special events, drink something - a place to be.

I was there after I finished my shopping and visiting the bike shop. People greeted me - "How are you? Come to us :-)" I was talking to many persons. Most of them can speak English, an exception here. I was talking with with a girl, who wants to hitchhike to Frankfurt and Brussels. Very deep stuff. It was one of the unusual cases where I felt very understood outside Germany. A talk about feelings, less Smalltalk, more gaps for unsaid things. When I talked about Anjum, I had strong feelings again, tears in my eyes. I realised where I am, everything what happened after the horror night in the past. It's preposterous to sit between all this lovely people and have the other pictures in my mind, too absurd for just explaining. It's like getting aware of the current situation, and this doesn't fit in any words.
Later we were speaking about alternative places in Germany and France, like Pödelwitz, Dannenrod Forest, Hambach Forest, ZAD Arlon, organic food protests in Bure and Les Lentilleres in Dijon. The last two ones are not far away from the Meuse route, so I have new options now. Happy about this I crashed into my next feeling: "Noooo!" Where is my wallet? I didn't find it anymore. I had the same in Berlin, but now I had real problems - Merde! People were looking around before Chez Josette closes. Nobody found it. My knees like pudding, my heart 180 beats per minute. Now I knew what it means, nothing nice and it's not summer anymore. I was very happy that I found it in the wrong place in my backpack, but my legs were still shocked.
The next day I left this nice city. I hope I will see you again one day, maybe with a bit more hugs ❤️


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