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Organising stuff 🇬🇧

Hello there, currently I'm preparing some things for joining Tour de Planet and leaving Germany in a month.

Tour de Planet is a movement of people caring about climate justice and social justice. They started a small cycling tour in east Germany on 27th June before they start with the bigger plan. The destination is somewhere in northern Germany, maybe Greifswald.
My plan is to get somehow to east, maybe hitchhiking. Yesterday I started to organised a transporter for 3rd of June to east Berlin.

After that I try to get to the Netherlands, the first foreign country on my tour.
Before that I visit Rostock, Kiel, Hamburg and Bremen (or Bremerhaven). I hope there is not too much wind from the wrong direction. People told me about that. The worst case is 400km cycling towards wind and rain.
Another thing I organise is my new passport. Maybe I need it when I leave Europe. In Hamburg I will say goodbye to some friends comming to visit me there. There is no concrete plan, but some ideas.

I try to get to Spain, to Granada. I have heard about some alternative projects there. So I will also cross at least Belgium and France.
In Spain I decide my next route. The old Idea was to get to Greece when it's getting colder. But I heard that it's not warm there in the winter. So another idea is to leave Europe and cycle to Morocco and Egypt or to stay the winter on the Canadian Canary Islands.

When you know some nice places to stay, where you know people, alternative projects or whatever please let me know. I still don't know much in other countries. This was one of the reasons to start my trip.


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John Doe am :

Canadian Islands? Seems to be very cold, too. And how do you cross the ocean?

Martin:Kathi am :

Sorry, you are right. I fixed the text - Canary Islands. Maybe I find somebody with a boat. There are always possibilities ;-)

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